Python: Quiz game

Các khóa học qua video:
Python SQL Server PHP C# Lập trình C Java HTML5-CSS3-JavaScript
Học trên YouTube <76K/tháng. Đăng ký Hội viên
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Giải phóng thời gian, khai phóng năng lực
# Login: Please don't forget to comment below code once done. 

# username=""
# password="V1Study123"

# email=input("Enter the email ")
# password1=input("Enter the password ")
# if email==username:
#   if password==password1:
#     print("Welcome")
#   else:
#     print("Enter the right password")
# else:
#   print("Enter the right email/username")

# Quiz 

print("Hello! Welcome to Quiz")
ans =input("Are you ready to play the Quiz:(y/n) ")
score=0 # We have made a score variable to save data. 
totalques=10 # This can be changed based on number of ques default is taken 10

if ans.lower()=="yes" or ans.lower()=="y": # lower() functions changes all letters in small letters in string. 
    ans=input("1. What is the most famous programming language ?")
    if ans.lower()=="python":

    ans=input("2. What is 13*5 ?")
    if ans.lower()=="65":

    ans=input("3. What is the capital of Vietnam ?")
    if ans=="Hanoi" or ans=="Ha Noi" or ans=="Hà Nội" or ans.lower()=="hanoi" or ans.lower()=="ha noi": # there could be different ways of writing the right answer we need to check all conditions. 

    # Add 7 more questions like this.   

print("Thank you for playing, your total right answers were: ", score)

mark=(score/totalques)*100 # We will calculate the percentage of score. 

print("Marks: ", mark,"% ")

if mark>80:
    print("Very Good. You were excellent.")
elif mark>60 and mark<=80:
    print("You did well. Try to make it better.")
    print("Try again. ")

print("Good Luck. ")

# Homework

#  print(“What is the capital of USA”)
#  print(“1. NewYork”)
#  print(“2. Washington DC”)
#  print(“3. San Francisco”)
#  print(“Answer in numeric 1, 2 or 3”)
#  ans=input()
#  if ans.lower()=="2":
#    score+=1
#    print("Correct")
#  else:
#    print("Incorrect")
» Tiếp: Các phương thức chuyển động của rùa
« Trước: Word guess
Các khóa học qua video:
Python SQL Server PHP C# Lập trình C Java HTML5-CSS3-JavaScript
Học trên YouTube <76K/tháng. Đăng ký Hội viên
Viết nhanh hơn - Học tốt hơn
Giải phóng thời gian, khai phóng năng lực
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