C# - C Sharp: Practical 11: Students Management System

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In this exam, you’ll have to create a Students Management system. The system allows input, list, search students.

1. Create an interface name IStudent contains these properties and methods:

a. Properties:

- FullName (string)

- ID (int)

- DateofBirth (DateTime)

- Native (string)

- Class (string)

- PhoneNo (string)

- Mobile (int)

b. Methods:

void Display()

2. Create a class name Student:

a. Implements the IStudent interface in step 1.

b. The method Display() will print all FullName, ID, DateofBirth, Native, Class, PhoneNo and Mobile of the student to the console.

3. Display  a tasks menu to choose:

   1. Insert new Student

   2. View list of Students

   3. Search Students

   4. Exit

4. If users type 1 from the keyboard then:

a. Create a new Student instance and inputs FullName, DateofBirth, Native, Class, PhoneNo, and Mobile. The ID is auto increament (++ID ).

b. Create a Dictionary generic (create only one Dictionary generic) to keep the Student instance in step 4a with key = ID and value = the student instance.

5. If users type 2 from the keyboard then:

Loop from all Student instances in the Dictionary generic then executes the Display() method from IStudent interface.

6. If users type 3 from the keyboard then:

Loop from all instances of Student class in the Dictionary generic then search students of class that is inputed from the keyboard and then executes the Display() method.

7. While user does not choose Exit (type 4 from the keyboard) then go back to the menu step 3 to ask user chooses an option.

» Tiếp: Practical 12: Books Management System
« Trước: Practical 10: Movies Management System
Các khóa học qua video:
Python SQL Server PHP C# Lập trình C Java HTML5-CSS3-JavaScript
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