C# - C Sharp: Practical 4: Animal Management System

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Python SQL Server PHP C# Lập trình C Java HTML5-CSS3-JavaScript
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1. Design an interface IAnimal has some Properties:

int ID

string Name

int Age

2. Design interface ITerrestrialAnimal and IMarineAnimal inherit interface IAnimal , both interfaces have following method:

void Move( )

3. Design class Cat, Fish, Crocodile with following instructions:

- Class Cat inherits interface ITerestrial

- Class Fish inherits interface IMarineAnimal

- Class Crocodile inherits interface Iterestrial and IMarineAnimal

- Override method ToString( ) of three classes to print : Animal Type, Animal ID, Name, Age

- Rewrite method Move( ) of interface ITerestrialAnimal to print : Run

- Rewrite method Move( ) of interface IMarineAnimal to print : Swim

Tips: display Animal Type by using method GetType()

4. Build the menu of program:

   1. Create a Crocodile
   2. Create a Cat
   3. Create a Fish
   4. View Terrestrial Animals
   5. View Marine Animals
   6. View All Animals
   7. Delete Animal
   8. Exit

-When user choose 1, 2 or 3: create new animal with its ID increments automatically. ( ID ++). Afterthat, add the animal to an array  IAnimal[] arr.

-When user choose 4: iterate all terrestrial animal in the array, call their methods ToString and Move

-When user choose 5: iterate all marine animal in the array, call their methods ToString and Move

-When user choose 6: iterate all animal in the array, call their methods ToString and Move

-When user choose 7: delete the animal in array that its ID equals the specified number.

» Tiếp: Practical 5: News Management System
« Trước: Practical 3: Zoo Management System
Các khóa học qua video:
Python SQL Server PHP C# Lập trình C Java HTML5-CSS3-JavaScript
Học trên YouTube <76K/tháng. Đăng ký Hội viên
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